What is Hypnosis?

What is Hypnosis?

What is Hypnosis? women patient on bed

Dr. Jessica, ND, approaches healing holistically, from the levels of mind, body, and spirit. As a Clinical Hypnotherapist, she helps people access their subconscious mind, to reprogram any limiting thoughts, beliefs, or emotions. Trained in many techniques, including Cognitive Behavioral Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, and Neuro-linguistic programming, she is able to work with trauma, depression, alcoholism, and many other ailments. 

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a state of deepened physical relaxation and heightened concentration, in which direct communication with the subconscious mind greatly increases the effectiveness of positive change. Hypnosis is a commonly occurring state of mind we may experience many times a day. People, whether they know it or not, move in and out of trance-like states frequently. Daydreaming while driving, or in class or at work, can be considered a state of hypnosis. You are not asleep while in hypnosis. 

The subconscious mind controls our emotions, self-esteem, beliefs, our immune system, and our bodies. Most of our thoughts and feelings, come from a subconscious level. The beliefs we have about ourselves and the world are encoded in our subconscious in childhood when the adult conscious mind has yet to develop. Our subconscious mind then replays these beliefs on repeat hundreds of times per day. Using hypnosis, we are able to access the subconscious mind and harness its incredible power for healing, as it releases limitations that may have been blocking us from achieving our desired goals.

Through hypnosis, you will learn how to turn your focus within and draw upon your body’s wisdom; understanding your health needs and symptoms, and becoming more aware of your powerful inner-resources to awaken your own natural healing power. You will learn to maintain full conscious awareness and control while remaining in-touch with subconscious memories, emotions, wisdom, and resources. Listening to your inner wisdom, will enable you to let go of those things which no longer belong to you; be it unwanted weight, habits, behaviors, limited thinking, and blocks that may be holding you back from truly achieving and living out your goals and dreams. 

What is Hypnosis? hypnotizing stopwatch


Is Hypnotherapy right for you?
Hypnosis can help with many things including anxiety, phobias, pain, stress, negative habits, insomnia, weight loss, building self-confidence, etc. The list is endless. If there is some aspect of your life, or how are presently feel, that is not satisfactory, hypnosis can help you discover the inner-resources to eliminate the things that are keeping you stuck. It can help lessen any inner-conflicts or resistance that are keeping you from obtaining your desired outcome.

Is hypnosis dangerous?

Hypnosis cannot hurt you. There has never been a documented case of harming coming to anyone from the therapeutic use of hypnosis.

Can you be hypnotized against your will?

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. No one can be hypnotized against their will. Entering into hypnosis is a consent state. The hypnotherapist assists and guides the client, who then hypnotizes themselves. You cannot get stuck in hypnosis. You will always be in control and you cannot be made to do anything against your will.

Why do some people have doubts about hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a misunderstood phenomenon. For centuries it has been affiliated with spiritualism, witchcraft, and various other “unexplainable” events, based on “B” movies, cheap novels, and exaggerated claims made by undisciplined persons.

What does it feel like to be hypnotized?

Some people give up on hypnosis after a session or two, because they were disappointed in their reaction, believing they are not suitable subjects or expecting a miracle “cure.” Many people believe they will go through something different, new, and spectacular in the hypnotic state. They equate hypnosis to being anesthetized or being asleep or unconscious. You will likely remember everything that happens during the session. 

Hypnosis is a very pleasant feeling of complete physical and mental relaxation. It is similar to that moment between knowing you are awake and going into a sleep state. While in hypnosis, you can resist any suggestions that are not to your liking. You may find your (conscious) mind active, with your thoughts racing, you may hear every sound in the room, and your attention may keep wandering; that is fine. Oftentimes when a person experiences conscious distraction, it allows them to believe that they have failed to enter into a hypnotic state and hypnosis didn’t work; wherein actuality it did work; as the hypnotherapist was talking directly to the subconscious mind.

What if I can’t be hypnotized?

Most people wonder about this. They fear giving up control. The opposite is true. Hypnosis strengthens and works with the will, not against it. Anyone of normal intelligence can be hypnotized. Anyone who can follow instructions can be hypnotized. You have already been hypnotized thousands of times. It’s a natural state we enter into several times a day, such as when we go on “auto-pilot” while driving, and reach our destination without fulling remembering the drive, or when our minds wander into a daydream during a relaxed state.

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