Ultimate Biohacking Guide to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally!

The Ultimate Biohacking Guide to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally!

Ultimate Biohacking Guide to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally!


Blood pressure is the critical force of the human body that moves the blood through the circulatory system. Blood pressure pushed the oxygen and nutrients around the circulatory system to nourish a lot of tissues and organs. It can also deliver white blood cells and different antibodies for immunity to the body. Normal blood pressure is compulsory to live. Blood pressure is created by the human heart in the body. The heart forces out the blood during its contraction with every heartbeat. The human blood pressure is highest at the time to start of its journey from the heart and enters into the aorta. However, blood pressure is quite lower at the end, along with the smaller branches of the human body arteries. Due to this difference of pressure, the blood flows around the bodies. The fresh blood delivered by blood pressure can pick up all the toxic waste products of the body’s metabolism, such as carbon dioxide, and the other toxins of the liver and kidneys. A level of blood pressure lower than 80mm hg to 120mm hg is considered normal. While high blood pressure that commonly called the silent killer for a good reason. That is dangerous for the human body because it can damage the human heart. Continuous high blood pressure in the body can put a strain on the walls of the heart arteries, which can lead to a lot of severe health issues. If the blood pressure of a person is in the 130/80 range, then reducing the blood pressure at that time can be helpful to protect from a heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, eye disease, and even some cognitive decline. So, there are a lot of natural ways to lower blood pressure in the human body.

Top 16 highly recommended natural ways to lower the blood pressure:

1. Do Walk and exercise daily 

Any regular activity that gets the heart pumping much faster than usual, and the lungs working much harder is one of the best suitable ways to lower the high blood pressure in the body. Exercise is the best and perfect thing that can reduce the high blood pressure in the human body. It can enhance the ability of the blood vessels to open and close. Daily exercise helps make the heart more reliable and more efficient at pumping blood, which can quickly lower the blood pressure in the heart arteries. Regular physical activity, including thirty minutes of exercise, can help to reduce blood pressure in the body and improve heart functioning. If a person has elevated blood pressure, then exercise can help avoid developing hypertension. Similarly, if a person already has hypertension disease, then regular exercise can bring blood pressure down to safer levels.

2. Reducing the sodium from the diet

Reducing a small quantity of sodium from the diet people can improve their heart health and lower blood pressure problems by about 5 mmHg to 6 mm Hg. However, the use of too much salt can raise blood pressure in the human body. That’s why a lot of public health efforts are aimed at lowering the salt quantity in the food industry. Researches have shown that salt is linked to the high blood pressure issue and different heart events, such as stroke. To lower blood pressure, one must choose low-sodium alternatives to the natural foods and beverages that are typically bought. Only a small quantity of sodium occurs naturally in different food items. In such diets, most of the sodium is added during processing. So, you should avoid using much-processed food items to keep your blood pressure healthy.

3. Drink less alcohol

Drinking much quantity of alcohol can raise blood pressure in the human body. Alcohol can even increase blood pressure by 1 mm Hg for every 10 grams of alcohol consumed. Standard alcohol contains almost 14 grams of alcohol. So, monitoring alcohol intake is much essential. Alcoholic beverages also contain significant amounts of calories and sugar, which can increase body fat and weight gain ability. Both of them are factors that can lead to higher blood pressure over time.

Moderate drinking of alcohol is up to one drink a day for women and up to two drinks every day for men. According to estimation, alcohol is linked to sixteen % of high blood pressure cases worldwide. But drinking alcohol in any amount can increase the risk of high blood pressure. So, avoid drinking alcohol to stay healthy and lower the blood pressure level.

4. Eat more potassium-rich foods

Potassium is an essential and beneficial mineral that is much helpful for the body to get rid of sodium and lower the blood pressure on your blood vessels. Potassium does not only helps to regulate the heart rate in the body but also reduces the harmful effects of sodium in the body. In this way, potassium is a double winner in the body. It’s too easy to eat more potassium because there are so many foods that are naturally high in potassium. Many modern diets have increased most people’s sodium intake while decreasing potassium intake at the same time. So, to get a better balance of the potassium and sodium in the usual diet must focus on eating less processed foods. Some of the foods that are particularly high in potassium concentration include Vegetables, tomatoes, potatoes, and other sweet potatoes. For some fruits like melons, bananas, avocados, oranges, eating fresh fruits and vegetables rich in potassium can help lower blood pressure.

However, diets having an access amount of potassium may be harmful to those people who have some kidney problems. So, before increasing the potassium amount in the dark, talk to your doctor. 

5. Avoid the Caffeine

If a person ever drunk a single cup of coffee before taking blood pressure, he will experience that caffeine causes an instant boost in the level of blood pressure. It is a fact that caffeine raises your blood pressure, but its effect is temporary. It lasts for almost 45 to 60 minutes, and the reaction will vary in different people. Some people can be much sensitive to caffeine than others. In that case, the caffeine-sensitive, people must avoid the use of caffeine in their daily routine, or they can try decaffeinated coffee.

One older research indicated that caffeine’s harmful effect on increasing blood pressure levels is more significant for the person whose blood pressure is already high. The hypertensive effects of caffeine seem to depend entirely on the ingredients of caffeine. Some habitual coffee drinkers can be acclimated to these ingredients, so their blood pressure doesn’t increase more than one or two points, but those who are not used to drinking coffee can expect an increase in their blood pressure after drinking the caffeine. Recent research has shown that caffeine could block a particular hormone that helps the human body to keep the arteries widened. Caffeine can also cause the body’s adrenal glands to release much of the adrenaline, which causes the blood pressure to increase. So, if a person has high blood pressure, then they must avoid caffeine. 

6. Manage and reduce the stress 

Stress plays a crucial role in increasing blood pressure in the human body. Different Causes of stress includes workplace, family demands, and politic. Finding the methods to manage and reduce stress is very important to lower blood pressure.

There are many different methods to reduce stress successfully, so you have to find what works for you better. 

When a person is under stress, his body is in a continuous fight-or-flight mode that causes a faster heart rate and constricted blood vessels. Stress hormones can also compress the human body’s blood vessels that can lead to temporary spikes in blood pressure. Moreover, over time stress can trigger different unhealthy habits that put your cardiovascular health in danger, including overeating, poor sleep, and misusing drugs and alcoholic beverages. That’s why managing stress is critical. The practice of deep breathing, take a walk, book reading, or watch a comedy show, and listening to music can quickly reduce systolic blood pressure in the human body. To manage and minimize stress must avoid people who cause your stress if possible and take some time to relax and to do different activities you enjoy.

7. Use of dark chocolate or cocoa

Different studies have shown that the use of dark chocolate can lower blood pressure. But that particular dark chocolate must be 60 to 70 percent cacao. According to research, eating one to two squares of dark chocolate every day can help lower the risk of heart disease by lowering the blood pressure of the body and inflammation. Dark chocolate is beneficial due to the specific quantity of flavonoids present in that chocolate with the cocoa solids. The flavonoids are considered best and suitable to dilate or widen the human blood vessels. In short words, Dark chocolate and cocoa powder have some plant compounds that can help to relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure.

8. Lose weight

One of the most effective and best means of lowering blood pressure is to lose weight if you are overweight. Even losing just ten pounds can quickly reduce blood pressure. While being overweight means that the heart has to pump the blood to a much larger body mass, which makes the heart work harder than usual. So, losing weight can reduce the workload of the human heart. Moreover, your heart will be better able to respond to different circumstances that require more work, like exercise. Blood pressure generally increases as body weight increases. That can also cause disrupted breathing during sleep, which further increases the level of blood pressure. That’s why weight loss by exercise is one of the most active lifestyle changes for you to controlling blood pressure naturally. So, losing body weight can help the blood vessels do a much better job of expanding and contracting, making it quite more manageable for the left ventricle of the human heart to pump the blood in the body.

9. Avoid the smoking

The habit of smoking is a strong risk factor for heart disease, along with an increase in blood pressure.

Even every puff of cigarette smoke can cause a slight, simultaneous increase in the body’s blood pressure, which enhances the heart rate in the body. Different chemicals that are present in tobacco are also much harmful to the blood vessels. Avoiding cigarettes is probably the perfect thing that a person can do for the heart. To lower the blood pressure and to prolong the life must quit it. 

According to a recent study, most of the children around secondhand smoke in the home had a much higher level of blood pressure than those from nonsmoking homes. Since both smoking and high blood pressure can increase the risk of different heart diseases, we must avoid smoking to control blood pressure.

10. Cut added sugar and all the refined carbs

There is a link between added sugar and a high level of blood pressure. The Framingham Women’s Health Study has shown that those women who drank even one soda every day had much higher levels than those who drank less than one soda every day. People can quickly reduce inflammation and damage to the blood vessel walls if they ditch refined grains, sugary foods, and saturated fats, and add some fresh vegetables and fruits, fiber, whole grains, and lean meats to their daily diet. Some studies have also shown that different low-carb diets can help reduce the level of blood pressure. Refined carbs, including sugar, can raise the blood pressure in the human body. That’s why people must cut added sugar and all the other refined carbs.

11. Eat calcium-rich and magnesium-rich foods

People with a low quantity of calcium intake often have a high blood pressure problem. Calcium is a mineral that can play a crucial role in preventing high blood pressure. Calcium is present in different food items. In addition to dairy, people can also get calcium from collard greens and other such leafy greens, beans, sardines, and tofu to lower their blood pressure.

Different studies have also suggested that getting a little quantity of magnesium is directly linked with high blood pressure. Because eating a magnesium-rich diet is the best and recommended way to lower high blood pressure. People can easily incorporate magnesium into their daily diet with different vegetables, dairy products, legumes, chicken, meat, and whole grains. 

12. Use garlic extract 

Freshly prepared garlic extract is widely used to lower blood pressure. Garlic can increase the body’s production of nitric oxide, which is much helpful for the smooth muscles to relax and the blood vessels to dilate. In this way, garlic can quickly reduce hypertension in the human body. Even garlic extract can lower both systolic blood pressure about 7-9 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure about 4-6 mmHg in hypertensive people.

13. Take a restful sleep

Restful sleep is essential for lowering high blood pressure. Blood pressure goes down when people are sleeping. It’s considered that sleeping less than six hours every night can increase the blood pressure in the human body. In case if a person doesn’t sleep well, it can affect the level of blood pressure. People who commonly experience sleep deprivation will have an increased risk of high blood pressure. Sleep also helps the blood to regulate stress hormones and helps the human nervous system remain healthy. However, the lack of sleep can disturb the body’s ability to regulate stress hormones, leading to high blood pressure.

Sleeping almost seven to eight hours every night can play a vital role in the treatment and prevention of high blood pressure. To get adequate sleep try setting a regular sleep schedule, spend some time relaxing at night, avoid all the daytime naps, and make the bedroom pretty comfortable to sleep.

14. Eat protein-rich food

A long-term study concluded in 2014 shows that people who ate more protein in their daily food had a lower risk of getting high blood pressure. For those who ate a hundred grams of protein every day, there is a forty percent lower risk of high blood pressure compared to those who eat a low-protein diet. Protein-rich food intake is recommended to patients with hypertension to help reduce blood pressure levels 2mm Hg in their body. A protein-rich diet includes fish, eggs, beef, cheese, etc.

15. Eat Berries and the beets

Berries and red beets contain a lot of natural compounds like flavonoids. A recent study has shown that consuming these compounds can prevent hypertension and help to lower blood pressure. Different berries like blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries are much easy to add to the daily diet. Meanwhile, beets are rich in nitric oxide, which can help the body open blood vessels and lower the level of blood pressure. According to researchers, nitrates present in beetroot juice can lower blood pressure within only 24 hours. Those people who drank daily beet juice mixed with apple juice showed a specific reduction in systolic blood pressure six hours later.  In this way, both the berries and red beets are helpful, reduce blood pressure, and protect against hypertension.

16. Blood donation

It is a fact that hypertension is one of the leading risks for cardiovascular events worldwide. There is much evidence that regular blood donation can be beneficial to lower blood pressure or hypertension. It is considered that quarterly blood donation is directly associated with the pronounced decreases in blood pressure in hypertension. This significant and fantastic effect of a blood donation may open some new doors regarding health care and cost reduction for lowering blood pressure. Blood donation is the simplest and fastest way to lose a pound of weight that is best for lowering blood pressure. So, being a regular blood donor can help blood flow and reduce arterial blockages in the body.

Moreover, high iron stores in the human body can increase the risk of heart attacks. When a person gives blood, it depletes these iron stores and helps the body to make fresh blood. Almost five hundred ml of the whole blood is taken during each blood donation process, which can remove 225-250 mg of iron from the body of a blood donor. Although, blood donation is beneficial for supplying blood for emergencies and different medical procedures to individuals who need it, at the same time, donating the blood quarterly can have the best effect on the donor’s health. The main health benefits of blood donation include lowering the human heart rate, lowering blood pressure and weight, lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and many more. According to studies published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, blood donors are 88 percent less likely to suffer from a heart attack. It also helps the body to attain the best balance and to retain the compulsory elements needed for its proper functioning and the body’s metabolism. 

Some of the other health benefits of blood donation are,

Specific Reduction in blood sugar

If a person has too much sugar in the body system, it will increase the triglycerides count which is a specific blood fat of sorts. An increase in triglycerides can cause an inevitable reduction of blood fluidity in the human body. When people donate some of their blood, then they donate some of the blood fat in the body as well. HBA1c is a specific form of hemoglobin that can chemically bind sugars like glucose and fructose with itself when it is present in the bloodstream, which causes a rise in blood sugar levels. At that time, a reduction of blood sugar quickly leads to much better circulation of blood in the body system that keeps the body healthy. 

People that have a high concentration of iron along with hemochromatosis in that case the high level of iron can eventually damage specific organs of the body. So, the best treatment for hemochromatosis is regularly taking out the blood of your system. According to estimation, each whole-blood donation removes almost 225 to 250 mg of iron from the body.

Helpful to fight against “Cancer.”

Blood donation is much helpful in fighting against cancer. The red blood cells in the human body are the main production sites for iron in the human body. The excessive manufacturing of iron disturbs the need and balance of it and starts storing it in the body, causing an increase in the risk of developing tumors and blood cancer. For people that have a high concentration of iron along with hemochromatosis then cancer risk increases, the high level of iron can also damage specific organs of the body. This proves to be a harmful kick start for the manufacturing of a vast quantity of carcinogenic molecules in the body and giving rise to tumors and cancers. So, the best treatment, in that case, is regularly taking out the blood of your system. According to estimation, each whole-blood donation removes almost 225 to 250 mg of iron from the body. 

Reduce the production of Hemochromatosis:

Hemochromatosis is considered a rare body ailment that is sometimes genetic, and it develops due to iron’s excess production from the human intestinal tract. The condition is commonly known as Iron Overload. Moreover, this is a life-threatening problem that worsens conditions, including damaging organs, joints, and even developing chronic diabetes. It will also disturb the life span, and the patient feels themselves every day nearer to his death. However, it is a fact that iron buildup in any case in the human body proves to be very harmful to the body. Blood donating practice is compulsory if people want all of this to not happen with them. Even all the patients who are already suffering from this fatal iron disorder, are prescribed to donate blood. The individual can easily donate 75-80 units of blood in the early stages of treatment until the body’s iron levels get in a healthy state and manageable range. Occasionally in its later stages, it becomes a life-long commitment for such patients to donate blood. That’s why; many blood donating centers applied for the variance and started Hemochromatosis donor programs for those patients.

Helpful for weight loss journey

Obesity is nowadays a common problem for every other person. Meanwhile, excessive body weight can lead to inactive human muscles, joint damage, blood clotting, and a lot of other adverse effects on the human body. However, it is suggested that if any person wants to lose some extra calories, then give some blood to the other person who needs it. Blood donors will feel healthier as blood donation can burn nearly 650 calories per 450 ml post-transfusion in the body. The body of the individual will start working to revitalize with fresh blood. So, one of the best and fastest ways to lose a pound is to donate some of the blood.

Reduce the risk of organ failure  

A study in the journal of blood medicine has shown that the extra quantity of iron stores in the body is purely unacceptable and harmful for the body systems. An excess amount of iron starts to make the human organs home and seek storage in the human heart, liver, pancreas, kidneys, and the GIT. The resultant toxicity can easily cause the generation of many free radicals that cause oxidative stress and damage to biological molecules, such as beneficial enzymes, compulsory structural and transport proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids, and damage to the DNA. This can also simply affect functioning most dangerously and results in complete failure of these life-supporting specific organs. Individuals can quickly clear this junk away just by donating the blood. 

Improve cardiovascular health

The heart is one of the most important and fragile parts of the body. Iron piles present in the human heart can be one of the major causes of a sudden heart attack. In that case, blood charity can quickly boost the specific heath muscles to perform their unique pumping function more effectively and actively, even though the pericardium feels lighter after that. It is also considered to be the best and perfect present that can be given to the human heart and, ultimately, the body. A regular blood donation can help with smoother blood flow and also reduce arterial blockages. This can quickly lower hypertension and positively impacts the cardiovascular health line in the human body.

Blood donation keeps the human body activated

Regular blood donation improves the antioxidant capacity of the body and positively affects the hematological parameters in the blood donors. According to research, the oxygen level drops after the blood donation, and some new cells are produced in the bone marrow of the donor within 48 hours. The donor also goes through the specific process of revitalizing in one month or two. In that duration, new blood cells are replaced by old ones and enhance blood circulation quality. So, if you donate blood, then you get further and fresh blood without any effort. That can help the body to stay much active and more efficient at all.

Gives the psychological realm

Along with all of the other physical benefits, the most potent and essential health benefit you get from blood donation is in your psychological realm. When an individual receives himself wholly prepared for such a warm and beneficial activity to help other people and saving lives, this leaves an amazing and noticeable relaxing effect on the nerves and enhances your well-being. This is precisely similar to volunteer work, which has been shown to have very positive effects on happiness.

Provide free health checkup

Whenever you are going to donate some units of your blood, you get a complete body health analysis that, commonly including a strict check on your body temperature, blood pressure and glucose level, body weight, body mass index, pulse rate, heartbeat, cholesterol level, and iron count. In some particular sensitive cases, you have to get through different laboratory blood tests also to get screening for Hepatitis, HIV/ AIDS, Syphilis, West Nile Virus, etc. This can also become a golden opportunity for the blood donor to shed light on the unknown yet necessary health concerns and to have a free check on the body’s wellness.

Remove different toxins and plastics of the body

Every person wants to get detoxified and remove the toxins residing in the body. In that case, blood donation is the best-proven way to completely detoxify the blood when you give the blood frequently to needy persons. Because all the old, worn-out, toxic cells easily get removed along with some cell debris and other body stuff, the new cells come and take charge of your circulatory system. The possibility of different harsh chemicals and some microplastics are reduced by blood donation. 

Keep the Heart and the Liver active and Healthy

It is a well-known fact that when any person donates some blood, they eliminate all the possibility of absorbing an excessive amount of iron in the body. As a result, blood donation keeps the heart and liver conditions in control, which can be disturbed by the high iron content in the body. When any person’s diet has a lot of iron content in it, the body doesn’t know how to absorb it effectively and appropriately. That’s why some extra iron left usually gets stored in a person’s pancreas, heart, and liver that is much harmful to the individual. The person’s body becomes at high risk of severe liver failure and cirrhosis and can face heart conditions such as arrhythmic heartbeat.


Now a day, high blood pressure is affecting a large proportion of the world’s population. Moreover, it is a severe disease. There are a lot of natural techniques that can help you to lower your blood pressure. Lowering blood pressure by following the described methods in this article can help hypertension people reduce the risk of heart disease.


This site and its services are for consumer educational use only. Nothing contained in this article is or should be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never start any diet, exercise, or supplement program without consulting your medical provider. This article and its services do not constitute the practice of medicine. Users should always seek the advice of a physician with any questions regarding their health or medical conditions. Never disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical advice or following the advice of a physician because of something you have seen or read on this site.

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