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Welcome to Biohackers United, where science meets self-improvement

What is Biohacking

You’ve heard of hacking computers, hacking smartphones and hacking email. You’ve even heard of hacking elections. But what about hacking your body? The concept is called biohacking. While it may sound like something out of Brave New World, it’s really all about self-improvement, and there are numerous ways to incorporate methods of biohacking your body and mind into your daily routine. Biohacking is altering your own biology to increase longevity! This covers a wide range of activities such as: enhancing sleep, stimulating stem cell production, or even increasing white blood cells to optimize your body's immune system.

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Access a vast network of licensed Naturopathic Doctors for personalized, science-based care. Our experienced professionals offer the same high-quality consultations you'd expect in-office, with the flexibility to communicate on your schedule. Elevate your health naturally with expert naturopathic solutions tailored to your needs.

  • ✔ Digestive Issues
  • ✔ Mold Exposure
  • ✔ Insomnia
  • ✔ Hair Loss
  • ✔ PTSD
  • ✔ Seasonal allergies
  • ✔ Weight Loss
  • ✔ Blood Pressure
  • ✔ Blood Sugar
  • ✔ Thyroid
  • ✔ Hormone Therapy
  • ✔ High cholesterol
  • ✔ Immune System
  • ✔ Skincare
  • ✔ Prenatal
  • ✔ Postpartum
  • ✔Migraines
  • ✔ And much more…

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Top 10 Biohacks


Melatonin is an antioxidant and a hormone that the body naturally secretes through a part of the brain called the pineal gland. Its main function is to help regulate the body’s circadian rhythm (sleep cycle).


GABA is a naturally occurring amino acid that the brain uses as a neurotransmitter. A neurotransmitter is essentially a messenger that sends a signal to the body. GABA is known as an inhibitory neurotransmitter, which means it blocks signals to the body, which helps produce a calming effect.


CBD acts as an OX1R antagonist, blocking orexin, a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Since orexins stimulate wakefulness, blocking their effects is one way to treat sleep disorders.


The recommended temperature is keeping the thermostat between 65 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

Sleep alone

If you live with someone else, try sleeping separately. Another person's body heat can interfere with getting a good night's sleep, and the sound of someone snoring may wake you from delta or deep sleep throughout the night.

Track your sleep

I highly recommend the Oura Ring, which primarily focuses on sleep and gives you a score out of 100 by monitoring how well you slept and establishing how well your body recovered for the day ahead.


Make lunch your main meal with a light snack, perhaps fruit, to curb your appetite before the sun sets. In the Ayurveda tradition, lunch was the day's main meal, which helps keep the kapha dosha in balance.

Just remember, dinner disrupts sleep.

Prunelax Takes effect within 8 to 12 hours by stimulating the bowel's motility and fluids.

Active H2 Ultra Hydrogen dissolved tablets contain magnesium, which helps draw water into your intestines, which makes the poop easier to pass.

Running increases gastric motility, which helps empty the intestines.

How to Relieve Constipation

Focusing on your legs simultaneously builds abs and glutes, especially with back squats and waking barbell lunges. Try back squats. After warming up, start with 20 reps and add 5 pounds each time, doing 20, 19, 18, and 17 until you reach 1. Then, do a one-mile sprint outside or on a treadmill, which will shred your abs.

Modern bloodletting, aka blood donation, has several advantages, which are listed below.

Hemochromatosis - An abundance of iron can be found in people who absorb it excessively from food such as in hemochromatosis. This extra iron ends up getting stored in the organs where it builds up and causes diabetes, obesity, and liver disease. Blood donation is a safe and effective way to deplete these iron stores from the body.

Improves cardiovascular health – Some of the most prominent benefits of regular blood donations are that they can lower triglyceride levels, blood viscosity, and oxidative stress which positively impacts the vascular health markers. This in turn leads to a low risk of developing cardiovascular conditions.

Lowers the mortality rate —Research links high blood donation frequency with enhanced health markers and a reduction in mortality materiality. Furthermore, cancer risk was also reduced in people who regularly donate blood.

Controls blood pressure –Frequent apheresis has a protective effect against hypertension. It decreases blood volume and viscosity, which, along with temporarily lowering blood pressure, is also related to improved readings in the long term.

Enhances glucose tolerance –A study investigating the effect of whole blood donation on diabetes-related biomarkers revealed improvement in glucose tolerance and insulin production in 42 healthy males. This could be attributed to the fact that low iron stores are associated with enhanced insulin sensitivity.

Blood Fluidity

Humans, like everything else in the universe, have an optimal vibration frequency that occurs when each of the cells in our body vibrates at the frequency it was designed to. One researcher, Bruce Tainio, found that a healthy body resonates at a frequency of 62-70 MHz, and when your frequency drops to 58 MHz, that is when the disease starts. Bacteria, viruses, and disease each have their low frequencies that influence your energy field.

Vipassana Meditation is the most effective method to increase vibrational energy, which means seeing things as they are. It is one of India's most ancient meditation techniques. Initially, you sign up for a 10-silent retreat and meditate eight hours daily along with walking meditation. During your mediation sessions, recurring thoughts will arise, whether sexually, about past relationships, or anger at people who have harmed you in the past. While sitting silently, the thought will flow into your consciousness nonstop, but give it time; this is just the beginning of the process. Using a mantra helps break up the thought pattern, so I repeat the word Rama as an example. After several days, you will no longer have the recurring thoughts, and your mind will become peaceful. Once your mind is quiet, you can observe the world differently.

  1. Try to get 8 to 10 hours of sleep.
  2. Stool movements, once to three times a day.
  3. Sauna for 15–30 minutes has been shown to reduce all causes of mortality.
  4. Cold therapy boosts collagen and brown fat production.
  5. High intensity exercises such as running, tennis, basketball, swimming, biking, etc.
  6. Muscle-building exercises like walking barbell lunges build the biggest muscle bang for the buck!
  7. Avoid alcohol and coffee due to the mold.
  8. Hold your cell phone away from your body: Research links cell phones to tumors.

When menstrual cramps hit, one might think of a hot water bottle and NSAIDs (ibuprofen). These can be effective sometimes, but NSAIDs have their side effects if taken in the long term. Have you ever heard that orgasm is an effective way of relieving menstrual cramps and other symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, including headache, mood disorders, etc.? Yes, research suggests that orgasms are not only for pleasure but also to alleviate pain. An orgasm is regarded as the peak of sexual excitement. It is an intensely pleasurable release of sexual tension followed by contraction and relaxation of genital muscles. When a woman is stimulated, the blood vessels in her genital area dilate, increasing the blood flow. After that, the genital muscles undergo rhythmic contractions, which is the state of orgasm characterized by sexual pleasure. Having sex right before periods can help in the alleviation of menstrual cramps. If you think that sex during periods is a mess, you can try having an orgasm through masturbation, which is also helpful in giving relief from cramps.

Orgasms reduce and alleviate menstrual cramps!

The most effective method is Vipassana Meditation, which means seeing things as they really are. It is one of India's most ancient meditation techniques. Initially, you sign up for a 10-silent retreat and meditate eight hours daily along with walking meditation. During your mediation sessions, recurring thoughts will arise, whether sexually, about past relationships, or anger at people who have harmed you in the past. While sitting silently, the thought will flow into your consciousness nonstop, but give it time; this is just the beginning of the process. Using a mantra helps break up the thought pattern, so I repeat the word Rama as an example. After several days, you will no longer have the recurring thoughts, and your mind will become peaceful. Once your mind is quiet, you can observe the world differently.

The second way is more of a hands-on approach called Vitanya, a performance-based training program designed to increase brain performance for accelerated task execution by improving reaction times, focus, and working memory. My training consisted of using the Versus headset to alter my brain frequency on demand from Alpha to Beta frequency. With the Versus headset, you have to navigate various game-like modules and maintain a particular brain frequency to navigate a race or golf course.

The third and final method is similar to Vitanya training but utilizes a BrainTap headset device. Some benefits include eliminating mental blocks and negative thinking to unlock your full creative potential and harnessing your body's natural recovery power with BrainTap’s cutting-edge audio sessions. Feel rejuvenated, present, and energized, ready to tackle whatever challenge. The device simulates your subconscious through auditory and subliminal messages, similar to hypnotherapy.

Fasting: It has recently been found that fasting triggers stem cell production and can increase the number of stem cells in the blood. As fasting makes people low on caloric levels, we can support the idea by saying that the body might start working more efficiently when there is low food consumption to provide resistance to infection.

Some scientists, Yilmaz, and his colleagues, studied the effect of fasting on intestinal stem cells in mice. Intestinal stem cells are responsible for the regeneration and repair of the intestine after an Injury or infection, which happens every five days. Still, this process declines in older people, and it takes longer to get over the damage. In this regard, mice were kept fasting for 24 hours. Then, the researchers took some part of the intestinal stem cells out and grew it on the culture media to check if it would develop the organoids (mini-intestines) or not; it was found that fasting increased the regenerative capacity of intestinal stem cells by two times.

Moreover, this stem cell production through fasting is also supported by the metabolic switch that the body experiences while fasting. Fasting prevents stem cells from metabolizing carbohydrates to fatty acids, and this is through peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) gene expression. If the metabolic switch turns off, fasting won’t boost intestinal stem cell regeneration.

Exercise: When the body is active, the stem cells grow more in number. The point is when we exercise, the older cells are shed off, so newer cells are needed to overcome the loss, and that’s when the stem cells come into action.

Research on human subjects concluded that strenuous exercise could increase the level of stem cells in the circulation, while some other studies support that very intense exercise can mobilize the stem cells to pass from bone marrow to blood circulation. Studies on athletes also revealed that exercising caused the stem cells to migrate and pass into the blood serum to function better. Also, exercise aids those stem cells required to form new blood vessels.

The mesenchymal stem cells are responsible for turning into either bone or fat. It was through research that work-out causes these stem cells to become bone rather than fat and then enhances blood formation. The study of the Department of Kinesiology’s Gianni Parise and his team demonstrated that treadmill-conditioned mice showed such stem cells turning into bone frequently than the fat as compared to sedentary mice in which stem cells become more fat than bone lessening the blood production through the bone marrow cavities.

What is Hormesis? In simpler words, when you put a good type of pressure on your body, it is called hormesis. The best example of hormesis is exercising; when you damage your muscle fibers and through exercise, they repair themselves with more resilience and stronger fibers. As we already talked about, biohacking, your body will help you achieve amazing results, but taking extreme measures can become a risky business; therefore, always look for guidance from a professional when you are trying to do it at home.

First of all, you should know what dry and infrared saunas are. Dry Saunas use rocks to create heat by warming up the air and then your body while infrared saunas are basically heat generated from light. Infrared saunas are also called far-infrared as the heat comes from a far light.

Infrared saunas are created in a way so they do not heat up the air but only your body. When the heat penetrates your body, your body activates the sweat glands. Sweating is a way to stimulate the release of toxins from the body. It literally pulls out the environmental pollutants and toxins deep within your fat cells through sweating.

Cryotherapy, also known as cold therapy, is a treatment that has been used since the 1700s for many health benefits. Cryotherapy makes your body surface temperature so low that your body thinks it’s under stress. In extreme cold, your body draws blood to the core, where it can re-up on oxygen and nutrients. Once you warm up, your brain first sends oxygen to the weary and injured areas. The enzymes, the proteins in your blood, will flow back out and heal whatever you have, such as joint pain, muscle pain, etc. It helps in relieving pain and muscle spasms and also reduces anxiety and depression.

The Complete Biohacking Course

This course introduces you to biohacking methods for optimizing your body and brain through nutrition, exercise, meditation, and sleep. We'll debunk popular myths about prescribed practices for overall health and then uncover studies from the last few decades revealing practical routines and interventions that are proven to help you extend longevity.

  • ✔ Brain
  • ✔ Stress
  • ✔ Energy
  • ✔ Gut
  • ✔ Beauty
  • ✔ Sleep
  • ✔ Longevity
  • ✔ Fitness & Training
  • ✔ Wellness & Lifestyle

What Our Customers Says


I recently got into Molecular Hydrogen after watching the legend Tyler LeBaron on YouTube about the benefits of high-performance antiaging of Molecular hydrogen. I tried Molecular Hydrogen by dissolving Ultra H2 Hydrogen tablets into a pre-workout drink each morning and had unbelievable cognitive energy. As well as only taking sublingual CBD to reduce pain and inflammation after strenuous workouts.

Los Angeles, CA

I suffered from pneumonia a decade ago and was treated with antibiotics. After recovering from this, I was hit with years of constipation, eventually leading to surgery. However, this time around I recovered without the use of pain medication. Instead, I increased white blood cell production by sitting in a sauna a week before the surgery to reduce recovery time. I also fasted for four days before the surgery to boost stem cells.

Los Angeles, CA

I have always had some type of gut issue whether it’s constipation, poor absorption of nutrients, bloating, gas, upset stomach, you name it. So I started a 4 day fast along with intermittent fasting. Which detoxed my entire system not to mention losing 10 lbs in three weeks! I have never felt so full of energy and confident about my body. An all-natural biohacking technique to lose weight and restore my biology, go for it!

Los Angeles, CA

Brian Rose the Founder of Biohackers United

I know firsthand what living a fast-paced, high-stress life is like. I spent twenty years as a Stockbroker and Military Police Officer, serving the country overseas and at the Atlanta Summer Olympics. For years, I felt overstimulated, unfocused, and completely depleted of energy. I had lost my vitality and sense of self-care in pursuit of success. Unknowingly, my body and mind were trying to tell me that enough was enough.

Despite my body's warning signs, I didn’t want to give up my ambitions. At this point in my life, I knew there had to be a way for me to work hard, maintain my health, and gain success, all at the same time. This revelation led me on a journey that revealed how to lead a life full of vitality and increased longevity without giving up my dreams.

Motto: "Move Mountains." Making monumental changes in your life can improve your overall health and wellness.